Saturday Morning #10
Regular training during the weekdays have petered off these last two weeks. Redemption with a speck of determination impelled me to publicly commit to 4 miles every day next week.
I completed 13.1 miles this morning. It took a good 3 hours and 50 minutes, i.e. an average of 17.5 minutes per mile. My legs felt like molten lead that very last mile, but now I know I have the endurance to make it through the entire race. Now, I need to build up the stamina to maintain a faster pace and cut down my race time.
Jana picked me upbright dark and early. 5:45am, to be precise. Great songs were flowing out from the speakers; Jana's personal praise music CD guaranteed that morning grump wouldn't stick around. We broke off as we walked out of the parking lot, the pace groups becoming distinct as we huddled together to keep from becoming car fodder.
Half an hour later, Marie and I were pleasantly surprised by Monica stepping out from her car. Daylight saving and the office flu had combined into a lethal overdose and she woke up an hour later than usual. She displayed the tenacity and resoluteness I've come to expect from her and jumped right in with us. And three hours later, she made up the two miles she missed and finished the 1/2 marathon at the same pace I did. Which goes to show that age is not a valid excuse.

4/8 Monica, me
We had a couple silly moments whenever we jaywalked across busy roads to be on the safe side. I promised I would keep the guilty parties anonymous, but it suffices to say that crossing streets did not take much of our time. Jeanette gave us handmade bracelets that said "13.1" as we completed our 13.1 mile route. Felt energized as the fact sank in. Estatic!

4/8 We ran past the Eiffel Tower
Jana and Theresa told us that curbside fundraising at the Arboretum was rather dismal. The reception provided by the drivers was, simply put, unfriendly. It was surprising to hear after my own experience; I couldn't stop thinking of the verse, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."
Lynn's a consultant for Cookie Lee (jewelry). She and several friends are having a fundraiser Monday night, where they will donate a percentage of their proceedings to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Her lymphoma has been in readmission for a year; she'll be contributing a personal story soon. Mitzi's planning to have a garage sell; I need to ask her if we can combine our efforts.

4/8 Marie, Angela, Lynn
Warning: some gushing ahead. Several weeks ago, Monica was having lunch with her friends from Emmis Austin. She mentioned that I was having a slow moment in fundraising and they really came through! Thus, I am now only eight hundred dollars away from the fundraising goal! My fundraising deadline is April 17th. If you can donate any amount, please don't hesitate.
I completed 13.1 miles this morning. It took a good 3 hours and 50 minutes, i.e. an average of 17.5 minutes per mile. My legs felt like molten lead that very last mile, but now I know I have the endurance to make it through the entire race. Now, I need to build up the stamina to maintain a faster pace and cut down my race time.
Jana picked me up
Half an hour later, Marie and I were pleasantly surprised by Monica stepping out from her car. Daylight saving and the office flu had combined into a lethal overdose and she woke up an hour later than usual. She displayed the tenacity and resoluteness I've come to expect from her and jumped right in with us. And three hours later, she made up the two miles she missed and finished the 1/2 marathon at the same pace I did. Which goes to show that age is not a valid excuse.

4/8 Monica, me
We had a couple silly moments whenever we jaywalked across busy roads to be on the safe side. I promised I would keep the guilty parties anonymous, but it suffices to say that crossing streets did not take much of our time. Jeanette gave us handmade bracelets that said "13.1" as we completed our 13.1 mile route. Felt energized as the fact sank in. Estatic!

4/8 We ran past the Eiffel Tower
Jana and Theresa told us that curbside fundraising at the Arboretum was rather dismal. The reception provided by the drivers was, simply put, unfriendly. It was surprising to hear after my own experience; I couldn't stop thinking of the verse, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."
Lynn's a consultant for Cookie Lee (jewelry). She and several friends are having a fundraiser Monday night, where they will donate a percentage of their proceedings to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Her lymphoma has been in readmission for a year; she'll be contributing a personal story soon. Mitzi's planning to have a garage sell; I need to ask her if we can combine our efforts.

4/8 Marie, Angela, Lynn
Warning: some gushing ahead. Several weeks ago, Monica was having lunch with her friends from Emmis Austin. She mentioned that I was having a slow moment in fundraising and they really came through! Thus, I am now only eight hundred dollars away from the fundraising goal! My fundraising deadline is April 17th. If you can donate any amount, please don't hesitate.
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