Racing To Save Lives

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Fundraising: A Mind-Altering Experience

Fundraising has been a mind-altering experience. It was one of two reasons I hesitated from committing to the ½ marathon. To me, $2,950 is about fifteen times my average checking account balance at any given moment. It seemed very illogical to commit this much money when I have bills waiting to be paid. Perhaps God was using Sandie to talk me at the information session. He said to trust him. And despite reservations, I did.

I still have no clue how to ask people for money, but ask I’ve been doing and the response from each of you has been astonishing. It completely blows my mind and I really do believe it’s a testimonial to God and what he can do. Because of every one of you, in two short weeks, we are now 25% closer to the goal of $2,950. And we are another step closer to eradicating leukemia and lymphoma.

As you know, I have been frequently updating my Active website to chronicle the training and fundraising. I am also in the process of creating an “online mosaic” that people can browse through for stories from cancer survivors as well as families and friends of cancer patients. If you or someone you know would be willing to write up a personal statement, please do so and send it to me. Friends are telling me it is gratifying to have a chance to share their story.

I pray that you have a blessed day every day.


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